

Our nursery is a wonderful place for parents to drop off their little ones, so they can restfully and attentively enjoy services. Each of our nursery workers are prepared to give the loving care and attention that your child needs at a time when he needs it most.  We provide nursery for children ages 0-3 years old for every service, which includes Sunday services, Wednesday evening services, and special events and conferences. Though our workers are experienced in child-care, there are times when a baby just needs “Mama,” in which case, one of the nursery staff will come and notify you. We understand that your baby is the most precious gift you have, and we want you to rest assured that your child will be supervised, loved, and safe while in our care. 

Children’s Church

The Children’s Church service is held every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM during the morning worship services. While the adults are worshiping in the main auditorium, children are able to experience a service on their level. With exciting lessons, games, and much more your child is sure to enjoy this church experience.

Sunday Afternoon Kids

Our Awana Kid's Club meets every Sunday afternoon from 1:15 PM to 2:15 PM for children 4 years old – 12th grade. This special program for children is designed to develop faithful followers of Jesus Christ through proven methods of evangelism and discipleship. 


We are committed to reaching and discipling all age groups! Pastor Kyle ministered to youth for 3 years before coming here to be the Senior Pastor. His heart for teenagers has not changed.  Teenagers at WBC will have fun and learn how to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ during our teen Awana group during the school year Sundays @ 1:15 PM.

  • Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about these children ministries.